Psoriasis &
Skin Concerns
Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that causes the rapid growth of skin cells, leading to thick, scaly patches on the skin. These patches are often red, inflamed, and covered with silvery scales. Psoriasis commonly appears on the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back, but it can occur anywhere on the body.
The exact cause of psoriasis isn't fully understood, but it's thought to involve a combination of genetics and immune system dysfunction. In people with psoriasis, the immune system mistakenly triggers inflammation and speeds up the turnover of skin cells, which results in the buildup of scales.
Psoriasis can range in severity, from small patches to widespread coverage of the body. It's not contagious, and the symptoms may flare up and subside over time. Treatments aim to control symptoms, reduce inflammation, and slow down the growth of skin cells.
At Cosmetics By Briony, we believe in supporting clients with good skincare advice, and Dermalux Tri-Wave LED phototherapy for the management of the skin condition.
Focus on restoring the skin's barrier function, and slowing down the rapid growth of skin cells.
Dermalux Tri-Wave LED Phototherapy
A medical procedure that combines light to reduce inflammation, reduce skin irritation and regulate cell functions. We recommend an intensive course of 12 treatments in close succession for optimum cell activation. Supercharging your skin for visible and lasting improvement. Once completed, follow regular maintenance treatments to sustain results.
Tips for Home
Vitamin D supplements can support skin health and reduce symptoms. Please seek professional advice from your Doctor before changing any medications.
Reducing stress can help prevent flare-ups.

Recommended Treatment
Dermalux Tri-Wave LED Phototherapy is an award-winning medical-grade device. Dermalux uses unique combinations of clinically proven Blue, Red and Near Infrared wavelengths to boost collagen production, increase hydration, calm redness and irritation, and blitz blemish-causing bacteria.
The benefits of this treatment continue even after the treatment has ended.
We use the clinically proven treatment protocol for Psoriasis. We recommend the Activate program which consists of 12 treatments in close succession for optimal cell activation to supercharge your skin for visible results. Once the course is complete, we recommend regular follow-up treatments to sustain results.
Consult your Dermatologist
Before starting LED therapy, it’s essential to speak with your healthcare provider or dermatologist. They can assess your condition and recommend the best course of action, as LED therapy might not be suitable for everyone.
Frequency of Treatment
LED therapy sessions for psoriasis are usually performed twice per week for the first 4 weeks followed by weekly sessions for the next 4 weeks.
Treatment Duration
Each session is prescribed at 20 minutes of light therapy, depending on the intensity of the light and the area being treated.

Skincare Recommendations
UltraMD & Ultraceauticals Skincare
Ultraceuticals offers a range of skincare products that target redness, inflammation, and overall skin sensitivity, making them a good option for people with conditions like Psoriasis. The brand is known for using active ingredients like antioxidants, peptides, and anti-inflammatory agents to soothe and strengthen the skin barrier.
Ultra Calming Cleanser
Designed for sensitive skin, this ultra-mild cleanser gently lifts away surface debris, excess oils & makeup while helping to support the skin’s natural protective barrier. Moisturises, comforts & soothes sensitive skin.
Ultra B2 Hydrating Mask
A hydrogel mask featuring Panthenol, Sodium Hyaluronate and peptides to help calm, comfort and restore hydration to the skin. Enriched with Niacinamide, this moisturising mask works to visibly plump the skin.
Boosts hydration by 158% after 30 minutes.
Ultra B² Recovery Cream
Your ideal hydrating recovery cream to comfort skin. This fast-acting formula is infused with B² technology (Vitamin B3 - Niacinamide & Provitamin B5 - Panthenol) to help boost moisture & soothe dry skin. ​Enriched with Bisabolol, Allantoin, Tasmanian Berry Extract & Vitamin E Phosphates, offering a cooling, comforting effect while helping to protect the skin’s natural moisture barrier.
Always speak to your dermatologist before introducing them into your routine, especially if your skin is highly sensitive.​​​
Dermalux Tri-Wave LED MD Phototherapy
Our skin can absorb light energy and use it to stimulate or regulate essential cell processes. As Psoriasis is a skin condition, LED therapy can help activate the cells to behave properly. LED phototherapy is the application of beneficial wavelengths from the visible and infrared parts of the light spectrum that have proven skin-enhancing benefits. Energised Skin cells function better and can renew up to 200% faster - accelerating regeneration and repair.
How To Contact Us
6a, 335 Honour Ave,
Graceville QLD 4075
07 3 137 1643
Opening Hours
Mon - Tue, Fri
9.00 am - 2.00 pm
Wed - Thur
9.00 am - Late
By Appointment Only